Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Compassionate Business Woman : Choose Your Cause

The Compassionate Business Woman : Choose Your Cause: Most companies I have worked for participated in non-profit donation or volunteering at some point. When I have been in positions of market...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do Family Caregivers Experience Greater Health Risks? | Alzheimer's Reading Room

Do Family Caregivers Experience Greater Health Risks? | Alzheimer's Reading Room

Home Care Services

Home care services can be customized to meet individual needs. Home care can range from a few hours
a week to full-time care. Each situation is personal, and Americas Home Direct Care can help
you determine what level of care your parent or loved one needs. Services can also be increased or decreased as those needs change. You can take a quick, convenient online Independent Living Assessment by reading our list of 20 Reasons you may need assistance. It is always best to evaluate your needs.
Part-Time Home Care Services
Some seniors benefit from daily or weekly visits from care professionals who can provide a wide variety of companionship or housekeeping services, as well as help with errands and food preparation.
24-Hour Home Care Services
Some seniors need around-the-clock help. Depending on the need, Americas Home Direct Care can coordinate caregiving with shifts of Caregivers who can provide specific services. In many instances, this type of continuous in-home care service is provided for clients who are at risk when unattended, such as those with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia-related conditions.
Respite Care and Relief
Respite care provides breaks from the daily routine of caregiving. Maybe you’re providing the bulk of the assistance your parent or loved one needs, and simply need a break or are planning a vacation that will require someone else to help out while you’re gone. respite care can relieve stress, restore energy and promote the necessary balance in your life when you can’t be there.
At Americas Home we focus not only on the physical needs of our clients, but on their emotional needs as well. We provide companionship and care that promotes an enriched life — one that is full of quality experiences and meaningful relationships. We treat each of our clients the way we would want our own
parents to be treated — with dignity and respect.
So, once you’ve decided your parent or loved one could benefit from home care,
you’re faced with a whole new set of questions. Where do I find a professional
caregiver? And how are we going to pay for it?
Americas Home Direct Care will work with you and your budget to get the care you need. We specialize in Veterans and their families, Alzheimer's care, dementia, Post operative care as well as New Baby home assistance. We are here to help...
"How may I help you?"  Is the theme of our team.
God bless,
Robert M Reynolds LVN/LPN/CEO
Americas Home Direct Care

20 Reasons you or your loved one may need Home Care Services

Americas Home Direct Care. 20 reasons Home Care may be needed.

  •  Recent hospitalization or injury
  •  Complicated medical issues or medications
  •  Missing appointments
  •  Dirty house or clutter piling up (including laundry)
  •  Spoiled food in fridge or expired food in cabinets
  •  Stacks of unopened mail or overflowing mailbox
  •  Late payment notices or mishaps with banking accounts
  •  Decreased participation in activities outside the home
  •  Loss of interest in normal activities or hobbies
  •  Comments of sadness or loneliness
  •  unexplained bruising or potential fall hazards in the home
  •  Difficulty walking or balancing
  •  Infrequent bathing, showering or grooming
  •  Poor diet or decreased weight
  •  unexplained dents or scratches on vehicle, or a recent accident
  •  Changes in mood or extreme mood swings
  •  Forgetfulness, confusion or memory loss
  •  overweight or underweight pets
  •  Decreased ability to keep up with chores, shopping and errands
  •  Forgetting to take medication, or taking more than prescribed

If you recognize some of these symptoms in your parent or loved one, it’s
important that you talk about the situation — sooner rather than later. If you wait
until it has reached a crisis point, it’s harder to make an informed, well-balanced
decision about the appropriate level of care needed.
the truth is, over three-quarters of adults living on their own and in need of
some form of long-term care depend on family and friends as their only source
of help. Fortunately, you don’t have to be the only source of support for your
loved one. but is in-home care appropriate for your parent?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Thousands get health insurance cancellation notices - NBC

Thousands get health insurance cancellation notices - NBC

UnitedHealthCare Drops MediCare Advantage Doctors - Fox Nation

UnitedHealthCare Drops MediCare Advantage Doctors - Fox Nation

Thousands of Doctors fired by United Health Care in the midst of major changes in health care.ObamaCare to blame? | LinkedIn

Thousands of Doctors fired by United Health Care in the midst of major changes in health care.ObamaCare to blame? | LinkedIn

Do Family Caregivers Experience Greater Health Risks? | LinkedIn

Do Family Caregivers Experience Greater Health Risks? | LinkedIn

How Medicare can fix the shortage of primary care physicians | LinkedIn

How Medicare can fix the shortage of primary care physicians | LinkedIn

Efforts To Hide Full Cost Of ObamaCare Insurance Fueled Epic Crash | LinkedIn

Efforts To Hide Full Cost Of ObamaCare Insurance Fueled Epic Crash | LinkedIn

If you like your plan, you can keep it | LinkedIn

If you like your plan, you can keep it | LinkedIn

Will Health Care Providers be punished along with our patients for trying to control their pain? Has the 5th vital sign become a red flag ? | LinkedIn

Will Health Care Providers be punished along with our patients for trying to control their pain? Has the 5th vital sign become a red flag ? | LinkedIn

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Good morning. Today is Tuesday the 8th of October and we are off to a good start today. We have a lot of work done now and moving forward! CHARGE!! Our fledgling company is coming to life but still need clients to fill our compliment. We have made great strides in our marketing, advertising and presence on the web today. I have recently made a network connection with the Retirement connection based out of Portland Oregon. Thank you Amy and Micki. I am glad to meet such warm and honest business owners willing to assist us get out there and make friends. 

Numerous opportunities are opening up as we go ahead. there are over 60 referral service agents in our immediate area and we have only been scratching the surface. Although we are bright with valor and great intentions, all that won't matter unless we can get some serious clients to help in their homes. So please, if you know of someone in the Vancouver area that needs In-Home services please give us a call. We prepared to assist anyone who needs help

All my best

Robert M Reynolds

Monday, October 7, 2013

Getting more business is the name of the game

Greetings from Americas Home Direct Care consultants. We have been working hard to put our business out there and visiting many area Skilled Nursing Facilities and Rehab Units. I have been networking with local businesses to get our services linked with Retirement homes and other Independent Living communities. One such is the Retirement connection in Portland Oregon. Our other friends are those from the Caregiver Connection who have been very helpful sending us information and referrals in Vancouver. Thank you Micki from Caregiver Connection.