Tuesday, October 22, 2013

20 Reasons you or your loved one may need Home Care Services

Americas Home Direct Care. 20 reasons Home Care may be needed.

  •  Recent hospitalization or injury
  •  Complicated medical issues or medications
  •  Missing appointments
  •  Dirty house or clutter piling up (including laundry)
  •  Spoiled food in fridge or expired food in cabinets
  •  Stacks of unopened mail or overflowing mailbox
  •  Late payment notices or mishaps with banking accounts
  •  Decreased participation in activities outside the home
  •  Loss of interest in normal activities or hobbies
  •  Comments of sadness or loneliness
  •  unexplained bruising or potential fall hazards in the home
  •  Difficulty walking or balancing
  •  Infrequent bathing, showering or grooming
  •  Poor diet or decreased weight
  •  unexplained dents or scratches on vehicle, or a recent accident
  •  Changes in mood or extreme mood swings
  •  Forgetfulness, confusion or memory loss
  •  overweight or underweight pets
  •  Decreased ability to keep up with chores, shopping and errands
  •  Forgetting to take medication, or taking more than prescribed

If you recognize some of these symptoms in your parent or loved one, it’s
important that you talk about the situation — sooner rather than later. If you wait
until it has reached a crisis point, it’s harder to make an informed, well-balanced
decision about the appropriate level of care needed.
the truth is, over three-quarters of adults living on their own and in need of
some form of long-term care depend on family and friends as their only source
of help. Fortunately, you don’t have to be the only source of support for your
loved one. but is in-home care appropriate for your parent?

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